Cos through every dot, line color, texture, splash, graphic, layout, pattern, scribble, doodle, icon, symbol, stroke, scratch, sketch, dab, wash, paper, symbol,frame, light, shadow, shape, volume, structure, type, font, composition, gradient, grid, button, negative space, every pixel, through every one of those we say something !
Glows in the dark !

Hi ..
Posting an image ( a collage ) with set of illustrations i did for a book of expressive poems in marathi called KAALOKH KAAJAVE ( Literally meaning darkness & fireflies ) by my aunt(mami) Sau. Jayashree Pathak who is a poet & author herself ..
Mostly done with watercolors & pen & ink.. later touched up digitally .
They are mostly moody & expressive illustrations with splashes & washes of inks to go along ..
The book is in progress ..

Hi all...
posting some sci-fi / futuristic stuff &.. also found some interesting quotes on technology..After long played with Graphics & some interesting typefaces I downloaded ..
I love doing sci-fi stuff & its an amazing line to explore & stretch mind... but the thought of a future , lifeless & over digitised with technology laden lifestyle without any vegetation & nature gives me a eerie kind of a feeling.. just a thought I have ..
cheers !
The waterfall
Cave Painting.. quite literally!

This one comes after long time.. always have this thought of adding just 'Something' before I post & that never happens.. anyways just posting it as it is.. included are layout thumbnails.. trying to find diff interesting compositions..
Will surely be working a bit more on this soon.. till then had to post it.. to keep active!
also im not too good at spacecrafts so have just put in a quick random one.. for some scale & movement.. hope u guys enjoy!
Inspiration.. courtesy Planet earth...!!

Have been seeing the PLANET EARTH documentaries for quite some time.. Never fails you to provide a dose of inspiration from natural wonders & soothe you with the narration ..
heres one concept.. will be refining this & may be take this as a matte painting startoff .. there are always those plans behind every doodle.. very few reach the final goal..
still need to be hopeful all the time...:)
Reflections ....
Take a plunge... really need to !

posting after quite long.. dont know why :-S ...X( ... but anyways.. will try to be more active..just a piece inspired from a photograph for the lighting & the misty feel...
trying to regain some momentum & rhythm for paintings after getting stuck with not so great freelance work ( which you have to do sometimes to keep the shop running..!)
will be posting many soon .. Lets go go go go!
concept art,
An exrecise

Hi all, haven't posted for long.. posting some thumbnails done as a study for totans & light .. Its good to layout blank grey rectangles & start with wide random strokes across all of them & then add light & start searching for environments , compositions interesting patterns among them .. Its a fun way to break free & work simultaneously on series of thumbnails...
The second one is the same thought process but with color.. you can take any family of color & work on all of them together .. Its pure fun ! a happy accident process.. somehow I always enjoy that ! It also help in establishing some underlying progression to all thumbnails like a colorscript..
You can always take one of those & build lot of details for final render..
Just some of my ways to keep working & exploring.. hope u enjoy!
A happy accident !

Hi all just took a crop of my earlier post & was playing around with layers & modes in PS.
Its often debated where to draw a line of not letting the SW rule your design & eventually your mind , its fun to just try & play around with the blending modes & textures.
If you are using a SW better use to its strength ! people use CTRL+ Z all the time right!! might as well use all things in there to get the result!
So I did some watercolor washes on a rough handmade sheet & used them with diff color saturation & modes to get some interesting effects which bring them very close to a manual work. Some times there are happy accident results!
What is imp is to do things tastefully to get a desired & good result by patiently working with it ..
As I've read somewhere ..
'I think its never what you have that matters (PS or painter in this case) but what you do with what you have'
Stone Lanterns
From the Forests !

Hi all some more Lighting studies from photographs .. a fairytale(ish)feel in mind..Wish to do a illustrated series of painting on fairytales & stories ... of my own ..someday surely will do it!
Till then..cheers!
concept art,
That little red hut ..

Its a dream of living in some serene & silent mountains & cliffs atop everything ... where simplicity rules ..:) away from the traffic & industrial noise, which is one of the biggest putoffs in my opinion of our daily lives..
Just something poured out freely .. getting back to my dream now !
concept art,
Theres always Light at the Top!

The sun shines and warms and lights us and we have no curiosity to know why this is so; but we ask the reason of all evil, of pain, and hunger, and mosquitoes and silly people.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson
What a lovely quote ... I think that's what is required at this point of time .. some moments spent in pondering & appreciating the beauty of simple things around us in our daily lives.. A retrospect of wrong things is much needed but, without forgetting to enjoy little moments!
There's so much beauty around us!
Just need to open up your heart & mind..
May the light guide our souls
cheers !
On & On with this series..

Hi all,
took a bit longer to post this ... again am still in the same style mode which ive been for a while.. also reading this amazing book on presentations, called PRESENTATION ZEN by Garr reynolds.. he also has a very interesting blog here. As it says it follows the art of presentation in any professional & personal lives, with a minimalist & clear approach.. A must for a guy having a visual approach to doing things.
Coming back to paintings.. Its very interesting to explore new colors & compositions in the same theme bringing together your family of thoughts & expressing them with those visuals..
Its FUN to free your mind !
Hope u enjoy!
Sunday morning doodle!
Some new n fresh ones...

Hi .. posting some new works .. just picked a color palette & tried to work around some compositions... Off late have been hooked onto this awesome book .. by a Guru .. Hans bacher.. called DREAMWORLDS .. A must have in the collection.. His works on 'Mulan' are simply amazing!.. simplicity & minimalism at its best !
Im in total awe of his works ..
cheers & enjoy..
Fresh n pastels
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